Introduction of Zagreb Tourist Information Officers

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In order to give the most precise and useful information to foreigners during their visit to the city of Zagreb, the Zagreb tourist office in cooperation with the Zagreb information center introduced a service called ‘Zagreb tourist information officers’. This novelty turns Zagreb into one of the first European cities offering such a service, according to today’s official presentation of the named service.

The service includes for now ten students, who after passing various tests, are selected to walk around the city in uniforms meeting and helping tourists by answering their questions and pointing them into the right direction.

The questions will be answered in English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Hebrew and Esperanto. The 'information officers' will also be equipped with the most important phone numbers, mobile phone numbers and city charts.

After the first day, results already show that such a service was necessary and that it is highly useful. The year the service will be operative until 15 September or slightly longer, if needed. In 2007 it will start by the end of May or beginning of June.

It was also pointed out that Zagreb is attracting more and more tourists and that during the first half of this year a 6% increase in tourist arrivals was registered, along with a 5% increase in overnight stays.
To be more precise, the number of foreign tourists went up by 8%, which was mostly stimulated by interesting cultural and sports events.
