Dubrovnik achieves 70% excellence in global destination assessment

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Dubrovnik has achieved 70% of excellence in the Global Sustainable Tourism Council's (GSTC) destination assessment, which indicates its focus on a sustainable future for tourism and the city, the city said on the occasion of a report on the assessment.

The GSTC was established at the initiative of 32 global organisations dedicated to sustainable development, notably sustainable tourism, including the World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme.

The assessment of Dubrovnik's sustainability was conducted in November and December 2019 in cooperation with the Dubrovnik Tourist Board and the Dubrovnik Development Agency. The GSTC examined legal and political documents on city management and consulted with 70 stakeholders from national and local government, the private sector, NGOs, universities, and residents.

The assessment was part of "Let's Respect the City", a previously launched city project, and an agreement on cooperation between Dubrovnik and the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). Dubrovnik is one of the 30 world destinations for which the GSTC has done an assessment report.

Four pillars of destination sustainability

The GSTC Destination Criteria cover four pillars of destination sustainability: destination policy and planning, community involvement and benefits, management of cultural assets, and management of environmental and natural resources.

In the assessment, Dubrovnik achieved 70% of excellence. Of the 105 indicators, 12 (11.4%) were rated as excellent, 47 (44.8%) as good with improvements necessary, 37 (35.2%) as medium risk, and 9 (8.6%) as high risk.

Mayor: Great opportunity for new beginning with sustainable city and tourism management

Mayor Mato Frankovic is satisfied with the project done in cooperation with CLIA, the city said.

Speaking at the presentation of the report earlier this week, he said "I believe this report will be a new beginning of the story of a sustainable Dubrovnik and a sustainable way of managing our main industry of tourism." 

