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Germany Croatia's main tourist market, minister says

Germany is the biggest tourist market for Croatia, as the first seven months of 2012 saw 920,000 arrivals and 6.6 million nights, up 12.6 and 15 per cent on the year respectively, Tourism Minister Veljko Ostojic said on Monday during talks with the new German ambassador to Croatia, Hans Peter Annen. This past July alone saw 22 per cent more German arrivals on the year, Ostojic said, adding that in 2011, Croatia recorded 1.7 million German arrivals and 12.5 million nights, up nine per cent from 2010. Ostojic said Croatia's preparations regarding Germany for this tourist season included participation at the fair in Munich and meetings with Bavarian Economy Minister Martin Zeil, ADAC representatives and political subjects in charge of tourism as well as tourism subjects. Annen said he had vacationed in Croatia many times, adding that a delegation of the German parliament's tourism committee would visit Croatia in October, which would be another opportunity to strengthen Croatian-German cooperation in tourism.

13.08.2012. | Page
Tourism minister calls for investing in campsites

The goals of camping tourism, which accounts for 25 per cent of Croatian tourism's capacities, are prolonging the season, improving service quality, new investments and more effective promotion, Tourism Minister Veljko Ostojic said on Thursday after meeting representatives of the Croatian Camping Union (KUH) in Zaton near the coastal town of Zadar. Ostojic said the general goal of this season was to make EUR 7 billion from tourism. By August 6, campsites recorded an 11 per cent rise on the year. Croatian tourism needs camping, which is a big challenge, and investment in it can greatly improve the quality of Croatian tourism, the minister said, adding that investment, promotion and quality would extend the season's duration and yield better results.

09.08.2012. | Page
Minister pleased with rise in tourism figures

The arrivals of tourists in Croatia rose by 3.8% in the first seven months in 2012 compared to the corresponding period in 2011, and their overnight stays increased 5.4 year on year, Croatian Tourism Minister Veljko Ostojic told a news conference in Zagreb on Tuesday. The minister voiced satisfaction with the results so far this year, and said he hoped that August and the rest of the season would also produce good results, as heralded by bookings. As for comments that financial effects are more important than the number of arrivals and overnights, Ostojic said that total spending was important, but that good figures on arrivals and the number of guests would also result in good financial effects. He boasted that Croatia was one of the few Mediterranean countries to report a rise in the number of tourists this season. Croatia had a rise of 3.8% and was followed by Spain with 2.9%, while a majority of Mediterranean countries saw a decrease, according to Ostojic.

07.08.2012. | Page
Marco Polo Museum opened in Korcula

Marco Polo Museum opened in Korcula
ZAGREB/KORCULA, Aug 8 (Hina) - The Marco Polo Museum has been opened in the town of Korcula on the southern Adriatic island of Korcula to testify in an original way about the travels of the adventurer who visited in the 13th century a then faraway and unknown China.

As of August 7, visitors to the museum can pass through seven scenes which depict Marco Polo's life, thanks to first-rate scenery, hyper-realistic dummies and an audio guide, from his departure from Korcula through caravans in the desert to the court of Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan.

One of the scenes depicts a naval battle between the Genovese and Venetian fleets which took place off Korcula on September 7, 1298, resulting in Polo's capture. The story ends with his imprisonment in a Genoa dungeon, where he wrote his book "Il Milione".

The Grizli advertising company said the Chinese state network CCTV visited the museum and filmed a feature to be broadcast in China, where tourist interest in Croatia is growing.

More than HRK 2 million was invested in the museum, which was conceived by Rudolf Petrinec, an entrepreneur from Krizevci who visited the world's most famous museums.

Tickets for the museum cost HRK 60, while entry for Chinese tourists is free.

(EUR 1 = HRK 7.5)


07.08.2012. | Page
Nominations open for UNWTO Ulysses and Lifetime Achievement Awards

Since 2003, the UNWTO Ulysses Prize and Awards have honored those individuals and tourism initiatives that have made a significant contribution to the advancement of tourism through knowledge creation and innovation, in line with the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In addition to the Ulysses Prize and Awards, this year a new award category has been announced; the UNWTO Award for Lifetime Achievement, recognizing individuals who have demonstrated excellence throughout their career in tourism and who serve as inspirational role models. Winners will be selected by an international jury of tourism experts and awarded during the prestigious UNWTO Awards Ceremony in Istanbul, Turkey (15 November 2012). Following the Ceremony, winners will be invited to deliver a lecture and present their projects to tourism business leaders and public officials meeting at the UNWTO Knowledge Network Symposium (16 November 2012). Nominations will be accepted until 21 September 2012.

02.08.2012. | Page
Croatia sees 4.2% rise in tourist trade in first five months of 2012

Croatia's hotel and restaurant industry and travel agencies earned a total of 6.1 billion kuna in revenues in the first five months of 2012, an increase of 4.2 per cent in comparison with the corresponding period of 2011, the Ministry of Tourism said on Monday.

Hotels and other accommodation providers generated a total revenue of 2.3 billion kuna, or 10 per cent more than last year. Campsite operators earned 54 million kuna, or 14 per cent more, and travel agencies 122.7 million kuna, or 24 per cent more than in the first five months of 2011.

01.08.2012. | Page