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​Expert: Croatia has excellent conditions for development of equestrian tourismCroatia has excellent conditions for the development of equestrian tourism and in cooperation with all other stakeholders in the appropriate destinations for that type of tourism, such demanding guests can be provided with superb services and experience, an international expert, Renzo Tomi, has recently said during his visit to Croatia. Tomi, an Italian expert for equestrian tourism, arrived in Croatia to give a lecture at an international conference on this topic in Bjelovar. 02.06.2019. | News
Croatian's National Tourist Board to open office in Madrid in 2020The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) plans to open an office in Madrid at the beginning of 2020 due to growing interest by Spanish tourists to visit Croatia and also because the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has its headquarters in Madrid. HTZ made the announcement after HTZ Director-General Kristjan Stanicic met with UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, who is currently visiting Zagreb where the 64th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe and Workshop on Growth, Innovation and Partnership is currently being held. 30.05.2019. | News
​Croatian president, Prince of Monaco talk shared interest in tourism, green industriesCroatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic on Thursday held a meeting with Albert II, Prince of Monaco, expressing hope that the two countries' shared interest in the fields of tourism, high technology and green industries would result in successful cooperation and conveying Croatia's interest in the transfer of know-how and best practices in water purification, a statement from the Croatian president's office said. Grabar-Kitarovic met with Prince Albert II on the margins of the "Energy Security for the Future" forum, and the two officials discussed ways of strengthening and expanding cooperation in areas of mutual interest. 30.05.2019. | News
​Gov't amends regulation on tourist campground concession feesThe Croatian government on Thursday amended regulations on models and conditions for granting concessions for tourist campgrounds co-owned by the state so as to precisely define the area considered to be used as a camping site. Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli said that the changes had been made due to the calculation of the variable part of the concession fee which takes account of the level of development of local communities where camping sites are located. 30.05.2019. | News
European Tourism Ministers meet in Croatia to Advance Development, Innovation and PartnershipsInnovation, partnerships and managing rising tourist numbers have been top of the agenda at the 64th Meeting of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Regional Commission for Europe, held in Zagreb, Croatia this week (27-30 May). Croatia was unanimously chosen to host the annual meeting of the tourism ministers of UNWTO Member States in Europe. The country is one of the region’s tourism destinations, welcoming 20 million international arrivals in 2018, a 6.7% increase on the previous year. A strong partner of UNWTO, the country is home to the Zagreb Sustainable Tourism Observatory, part of the global UNWTO Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories. 29.05.2019. | News
Meeting of UNWTO Commission for Europe taking place in ZagrebA meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe (CEU), which is taking place in Zagreb on 27-30 May, was formally opened on Tuesday morning by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic who described the event as a compliment to Croatia and its tourist trade. The meeting, which is taking place in Zagreb for the second time, has brought together representatives of more than 40 countries and Zurab Pololikashvili, the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), who praised Croatia as a good example of the development of the tourist sector and of the whole country. 28.05.2019. | News
Zagreb to host UNWTO Commission for Europe conferenceThe World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Commission for Europe will hold its annual conference in Zagreb on May 28-29, including a workshop on growth, innovation and partnership, the Tourism Ministry has said. The event will also be attended by UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, who is expected to meet with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic. 25.05.2019. | News
South Korea gov't wants to promote taekwondo via Rijeka as European culture capitalA five-member South Korean delegation, led by Shin Kinam, special envoy of the minister of culture, tourism and sports, visited the Croatian Olympic Committee (HOO) on Friday to promote taekwondo and strengthen cooperation with its fans in Croatia. Croatian Ambassador to South Korea Damir Kusen helped to organise the meeting, the main motive being the wish of World Taekwondo in Seoul to additionally promote the national sport in Rijeka next year, when that northern Adriatic city will be a European Capital of Culture. 24.05.2019. | News
Gov't launches procedure leading to construction of tourism zone in PulaThe government, at its regular weekly meeting on Thursday, decided to launch a procedure leading to the building of a tourist zone at the Hidrobaza site in the northern Adriatic city of Pula, after which it will announce a public bid to establish the right to build on the 281,000 square metre plot. Explaining the government's intention, State Assets Minister Goran Maric said the procedure was launched in accordance with an agreement for the Hidrobaza area, signed by the Republic of Croatia and the City of Pula on November 19, 2018. 23.05.2019. | News
​Ministry awards 23.6 mn for 453 tourism projectsAs part of the Tourism Economy Competitiveness programme, the Tourism Ministry has awarded a total of HRK 23.6 million for 453 projects, including 60 projects in Istria County, a news conference heard on Wednesday in Barban where Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli signed contracts with beneficiaries of the programme in Istria County. 22.05.2019. | News