Croatian days in France

The Croatian National Tourist Board is organizing Croatian Days in France from 13 till 15 February 2007, which marks the beginning of the Croatian tourist promotion on the French market. 

The whole event starts on 13 February with a meeting of leading French tour operators and the representatives of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ), the meeting will also include representatives of the Croatian tourist industry, who will all participate in discussions regarding new trends on the French market.

That meeting will be followed by a traditional workshop of French and Croatian tourist employees, as well as a press conference for the French media introducing to them all the novelties Croatian tourism.

Everything will be concluded in form of a festive dinner, attended by French tour operators, journalists and other eminent guests. During the evening all of them will enjoy outstanding Croatian food and music.

The next Croatian – French workshops will be organized in the cities Lyon (14 February) and Marseilles (15 February).
