Most of Tourists Visit Croatia for its Beauty

A research conducted by VISA International shows that 78% of all foreign tourists visit Croatia because of its natural beauty. Results also indicate that 87% of them are surprised by the 'good' or even 'very good' shopping opportunities offered by Croatian shops.
At the top of the popularity list are small shops and 82% of the foreigners are willing to spend during their holidays in Croatia € 500 to 1500, according to VISA International.

The research has been conducted on 250 foreign tourists in Zagreb, Split, Zadar and Dubrovnik which are all cities quite popular with European tourists since 91% of them come from the EU. The research also showed that for a quarter of them it is not the first visit to Croatia. 

During their trip many of them (49%) are used to pay their bills via credit cards, and 61% of them are using the VISA card while doing so.

The number of Croatian shops accepting the VISA card is currently amounting up to 58.062.

Further results show that most of the tourists usually spend less than 10 days in Croatia (45%) and that 43% arrive by car, 35% by plane, 18% by bus and the rest (4%) by train or ship.

When it comes to choosing accommodation, the most popular is still private accommodation, i.e. private rooms or apartments (37%), followed by hotels (28), staying with friends and family (10%), camping sites (9%) and privately owned weekend houses (6%).

By fulfilling the task of grading their Croatian holidays, 40% of the foreign guests described their stay as ‘very good’, 25% said it was ‘excellent’ and 23% graded their holidays as ‘good’. Over one half of them (51%) were assured that they would come again.
