Seminar 'Hotel Manager 2006'

A two-day seminar for hotel managers 'Hotel Manager 2006', started today in the Opatija hotel 'Admiral'. The seminar is counting 78 mangers from 35 Croatian hotel companies.

The main organizer of that event is the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija.žThe main topics will be the questions of hotel standards, the quality of the hotel offer, modern forms of organization in the food and drinks department as well as hotel information systems.

Also planned are lectures and discussions about forms of modern hotel management, standardized reporting for hotel managers, project management and the development of hotel HR management.

Certain elements which are essential for the future joining of the EU, were especially underlined – i.e. standards for the construction of hotel, for the necessary equipment, for all work-processes within a hotel (service, communication, information systems, terminology, symbols, managing), environmental standards and standards for safety and security.

It was also pointed out that an international standardization for the measuring of business results within the hotel industry would allow a comparison of achievements and would strengthen competitiveness and partnership amongst all participants on the world's tourist market. This would create a basis for the effective hotel management.
