Croatian Tourism: Great Results in First Two Months

Croatia has holds an excellent position on traditional as well as on new tourist markets, which was confirmed by the good response Croatia received on current tourist fairs, organized during the first two months in 2006. Croatia is quite optimistic about the upcoming season although the birds flu, and the question of mine campaigns do create certain problems, concluded the State Secretary for Tourism Zdenko Mičić at today’s press conference.

From the beginning of the year the Croatian tourist offer was presented on 44 fairs, 6 workshops, 3 Croatian Nights and 7 press conferences, said Niko Bulić who is the head of the Croatian National Tourist Bord (HTZ). All this is a good indicator for the realization of pre-set plans, i.e. achieving in 2006 a 2% growth in tourist arrivals and a 3-5% growth in income.

Bulić underlined the fact that Croatia will be next year's partner on the big and important Munich fair, mentioning also Croatia’s participation on the upcoming Berlin fair. He reminded everybody of the fact that in 2006 there will be HRK 77 million invested in marketing campaigns, promoting the Croatian tourist offer.  Not to forget the marketing campaign which was a special offer from CNN called ‘Journey into the heart of Croatia’. The two months campaign will consist of short spots presenting Croatia’s culture, gastronomy and agricultural tourism.

The main massage presented to foreign partners would be that Croatia expects a lot from this tourist season 2006, hoping for better quality and more guests as well as higher profit, Mičić concluded. All that would be achieved thanks to serious investments into the quality of the Croatian tourism offer, amounting to a total of EUR 800 million.

Mičić also talked about campaigns warning about the presence of mines. Since tourist destinations were cleared from mines, according to him it was not necessary to put up large threatening posters in those locations. He welcomed the humanitarian aspect of those campaigns, but he warned about the unnecessary and unjustified reaction it might cause.

Another problem is the question of bird flu. Bulić and Mičić pointed out that Croatia had the whole problem under control. It was the country’s policy to react promptly and adequately, informing all the press about the activities in an open and clear way. According to Mičić, the bird flu problem has turned into a global problem and it would be easier for Croatia, as a small country, to keep up with all the changes and upcoming events.
