Year 2005 – Success for Croatian Tourism on US Market

The year 2005 was a very successful Croatian year at the American tourist market. More and more American tourists are visiting Croatia and this trend is expected to continue in 2006, explained, on Saturday, Nena Komarica the head of the New York office of the Croatian National Tourist Board (Hrvatska Turistička Zajednica – HTZ).

The well-known publisher for tourist guides 'Lonely Planet' declared Croatia to be one of the most desirable tourist destinations in the world for 2005, positioning Croatia at the top as far as global tourism is concerned.

This positive development is being confirmed by the increased number of American tourists in Croatia. In 2005, nearly 128 000 Americans have spent their holiday in Croatia, which is an increase by 39% as compare to the same period last year.

'We are more than satisfied with the results as far as promotion and sale of Croatian package tours are concerned', said Komarica in an interview.

On Friday evening the office has successfully organized a Croatian evening at the New York Harvard Club, attended by over 200 guests and representatives of the American tourist media.

Croatia is also turning into a tourist destination for special types of tourism. The 'Ethic Tourist', a non-profit group from Berkley, California has pronounced Croatia to be one of 13 countries in the world appropriate for ‘ethic tourism’, a country deserving to be visited not just because of its natural beauties but also because of its special relation towards the environment and social development.

According to first indicators, Croatia will continue this trend in 2006 – occupying an important place on the chart of world tourism.

The well known magazine National Geographic Adventure specialized in active holidays and adventure tourism stated in October that Croatia was one of the most desirable world destinations in 2006, emphasizing the attractiveness of the Kornati archipelago.

'Many tour-operators have confirmed that reservations for 2006 are already being made. Some capacities are sold out as we speak and it is clear that Croatia's positive tourist trend will continue to develop', said Komarica.

She added that an even larger number of Americans would decide to visit Croatia if there were direct airline connections between the USA and Croatia, this would make Croatia more accessible to the American tourists.

The HTZ office in New York will have a chance to keep on promoting Croatia as a tourist destination to representatives of American tourist agencies and the media at a conference of the American Tour Operators Association (USTA), next week in Orlando Florida. The meeting will be attended by over 800 Association members who are handling over 10 million passengers per year, earning approximately $ 8 billion. (Hina)
