Travel agencies worried but do not expect loss of earnings due to school trips delays

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​Travel agencies are worried about the recommendation to delay school trips abroad, but they still are not expecting major loss of earnings in the next month, Jurica Glavina of the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies told Hina on Friday commenting on the new recommendation by the Ministry of Science and Education.

The Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA) also deals with school trips, as do member agencies which specialise in that kind of travel in Croatia and abroad.

The Ministry of Science and Education on Friday made a recommendation to elementary and secondary schools to delay all school trips abroad until further notice due to the changing epidemiological situation surrounding the coronavirus outbreak worldwide, which is also in line with the recommendations by the national civil protection authority.

Glavina said that it was important that the trips were being delayed, not cancelled, as this "leaves open the possibility for us, agencies, to talk with partners in the country and abroad and to organise the trips at a later date."

He added that it was possible that some trips would be cancelled, but that "the peak season for school trips abroad is in August and September, when most of them do take place."

