Hotel Spačva awarded Halal certification

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Hotel Spačva after inspection and verification carried out by the Islamic community in Croatia, the Centre for Halal Certification, Halal certificate awarded. Certificate confirms the willingness of hotels to meet the specific principles of food preparation and room for Muslim guests. A prerequisite for the certification of the hotel was the adaptation process of receiving, storing and preparing raw materials from certified suppliers. Certified Halal food manufacturers to not add to the food additives E, which already considered harmful. Given that the average number of guests stated that admission into about 2 million a year, hotel management with the full support of the Islamic Community of Croatia, Tourist Office, VSC, the Municipality of Germans has made all the prerequisites for obtaining Halal certification that the Hotel Manager Kresimir Bogdanovic and presented by Prof. Dr. personnel. Aziz Hasanovic director of the Center for Halal certification of quality first June 2012. Hotel Congress Centre. This is the fourth hotel Spacva Croatian hotel that has this certificate, the first hotel in Croatia, which has certified Halal Park.

Hotel Spačva after inspection and verification carried out by the Islamic community in Croatia, the Centre for Halal Certification, Halal certificate awarded. Certificate confirms the willingness of hotels to meet the specific principles of food preparation and room for Muslim guests.

A prerequisite for the certification of the hotel was the adaptation process of receiving, storing and preparing raw materials from certified suppliers. Certified Halal food manufacturers to not add to the food additives E, which already considered harmful. It is strictly defined mode of slaughtering animals. Halal Park Hotel is a separate entity that is prepared in a way that guests could prakticirativjerski rite.

Specially decorated rooms in the hotel annex part, oriented to the northeast with its associated equipment. In a certain number of rooms is set designation of Mecca, the Koran, carpet and let it pass so that guests can feel at home.

Given that the average number of guests stated that admission into about 2 million a year, hotel management with the full support of the Islamic Community of Croatia, Tourist Office, VSC, the Municipality of Germans has made all the prerequisites for obtaining Halal certification that the Hotel Manager Kresimir Bogdanovic and presented by Prof. Dr. personnel. Aziz Hasanovic director of the Center for Halal certification of quality first June 2012. Hotel Congress Centre. This is the fourth hotel Spacva Croatian hotel that has this certificate, the first hotel in Croatia, which has certified Halal Park.
