Croatian Tourist Board director replaced

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The Croatian Tourist Board's (HTZ) council on Friday replaced HTZ director Meri Matesic, Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin told reporters, adding that he would run the HTZ until a new director was appointed.

The council rejected Matesic's report on her first year at the helm of the HTZ with the explanation that not all of planned activities were carried out and for many other reasons, Lorencin said, adding that he had not planned to relieve Matesic of duty.

Invitations will be invited for the new director as soon as possible, said the minister.

Matesic was the HTZ director with the shortest term, only one year. Her predecessor, Niko Bulic, ran the board for 12 years.

The minister said Matesic was dismissed solely on professional grounds, resulting from different views of how the HTZ should develop.

Reporters asked him about contracts with two consulting companies, THR from Barcelona, and Howarth Consulting from Zagreb, which are drawing up a strategic marketing plan for Croatia's tourism until 2020. He said the plan should have been ready but that the HTZ had rejected it several times, adding that the two firms would be given more time to complete the plan and that if he and the HTZ were not satisfied with it, the contracts might be cancelled. (Hina)
