Croatia successful at Vienna tourism fair

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Croatia had a successful presentation at Austria's biggest tourism fair Ferienmesse in Vienna on January 11-14, the director of the Croatian Tourist Board's office for Austria and Switzerland, Ranko Vlatkovic, told Hina on Sunday. Croatia was one of the 850 exhibitors from 80 countries that attended the most visited tourism fair in Austria. Croatia, Italy and Spain are popular this year, said Helga Freund of the Vienna tourist office.

Vlatkovic said initial Austrian bookings for Croatia "confirm the continuation of the rising trend, and the interest of the media, business partners and visitors was very high."

He said over 1.4 million Austrians visited Croatia in 2017, generating over 7.6 million nights, up 7.8% and 6.7% respectively from 2016. Austrians rank third in nights in Croatia with 7.8% after Germans and Slovenians, he added.

Croatia is Austrians' favourite destination and they visit a number of times a year due to its vicinity, he said, adding that Austrians were increasingly interested in the shoulder seasons, as evidenced during December, when they were the most numerous foreign tourists in Croatia.

