Croatia promoting its tourism at travel market in London

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Croatia is taking part in the World Travel Market which began in London on Monday and will run until 10 November, with the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) and tourism ministry officials today holding a news conference to present results in the Croatian tourist industry this year.

By the year's end Croatia expects an 8-percent rise in tourist arrivals, and a 7-percent rise in overnight stays on the year, Croatian Tourism Ministry's state secretary Zeljko Lenart told the news conference.

The number of arrivals went up 7.7 percent to 11 million and overnights went up 7 percent to more than 64 million in the first ten months of 2011 in comparison to the corresponding period of 2010, according to preliminary figures gathered by local tourist boards.

In the said period, 260,000 Britons visited Croatia, generating 1.35 million overnights, up 5 percent and 5.3 percent respectively, Lenart said.

This year's WTM has gathered more than 5,000 exhibitors from 189 countries.

Croatia is promoting its tourist trade at a 300-square-metre stand. (Hina)
