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​No traditional format of Advent in Zagreb event this DecemberDuring the Advent season, Zagreb will be decorated and illuminated for Christmas and the New Year, however, there will be no traditional format of the Advent in Zagreb event due to the epidemiological circumstances. 04.11.2020. | News
Domestic tourism hints at recovery from corona crisis - EurostatDomestic tourism in the European Union has seen a faster recovery from the consequences of the first wave of the epidemic than foreign tourism, and Croatia is among countries with the mildest drop in domestic overnight stays, according to Eurostat data. 29.10.2020. | News
Developing smart tourism in Croatia essential for future - conferenceDeveloping smart tourism, based on sustainabile and safe destinations and cooperation, better quality, professional competence and ICT is very important for the future of tourist trade in Croatia and the Mediterranean, it was said at the "SmartMed" conference in Zagreb on Tuesday. 27.10.2020. | News
Croatia among countries with largest number of approved Erasmus Sport projectsFor the second year in a row Croatia is among the European countries with the largest number of approved projects under the Erasmus+ Sport programme. With a total of 21 approved projects out of 65 submitted, Croatia ranks second, the same as last year when 20 of its projects were given the green light. 27.10.2020. | News
​ADAC survey: Croatia 3rd most popular destination among GermansThis year Croatia was one of the three most popular vacation destination for German tourists, with Germany topping the list, while Istra and Dalmatia were the most popular regions, according to German auto club ADAC's annual survey, the Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) has said. 25.10.2020. | News
​"My Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem" feature for German TV channelThe Osijek-Baranja County department for tourism, culture and sport on Friday presented a project it has been implementing with the German Blue Planet TV production company - the filming of a feature to be televised in German-speaking countries, the head of the department, Tatjana Roth, said on Friday. 23.10.2020. | News
​Biograd Boat Show opensBoating tourism has proved extremely resilient in the present year marked by the coronavirus pandemic and it is Croatia's great competitive advantage, the opening ceremony for the the 22nd Biograd Boat Show was told on Wednesday. 21.10.2020. | News
​HUT association welcomes latest jobkeeping measuresThe Croatian Tourism Association (HUT) on Wednesday welcomed the government's latest jobkeeping measures and amendments to eligibility criteria with regard to a decline in turnover in the second and third quarter of the year. 21.10.2020. | News
​Lonjsko Polje Nature Park sees 50% more visitorsLonjsko Polje Nature Park this year had about 50% more visitors than last year, which is a result of increased communication activities, but also of people turning to nature and spending time outdoors, the director of Lonjsko Polje Nature Park, Marija Kusmis, said. 21.10.2020. | News
Zagreb's tourism industry at about 30% of last year's figuresZagreb's tourism industry is suffering losses due the coronavirus pandemic and the March 22 earthquake, with tourist arrivals and overnight stays at about 30 percent of last year's figures, and the Advent in Zagreb event is uncertain, Hina has learned from the Zagreb Tourism Board (TZGZ). 17.10.2020. | News