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Renaissance Festival set for 23-26 August in KoprivnicaThe 13th Renaissance Festival will take place in the northern town of Koprivnica from 23 to 26 August, and this large-scale historical tourism event will focus on the secrets of iron and iron-works, the local tourist board's representatives said at a news conference on Monday.  20.08.2018. | News
Tourist demand for Croatia growing in USThe US organisation for luxury travel Virtuoso has recorded a 28% demand increase for Croatia, which ranks among the ten fastest growing destinations in its annual survey, Croatia's National Tourist Board (HTZ) said on Thursday on the occasion of its promotion at Virtuoso Travel Week in Las Vegas on August 11-17. 16.08.2018. | News
Croatian Tourist Board promoting post-season on 11 foreign marketsThe Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) is currently conducting a campaign on social networks, portals and other online channels to promote Croatia's post-season and autumn on 11 foreign markets. 13.08.2018. | News
Number of visiting cruise ships in H1 2018 up 4.2 pctIn the first six months of 2018, 246 cruise ships visited Croatian ports, 10 more than in the same period in 2017, and aboard those vessels were 356,607 passengers, or 12.6% more than in 2017, show figures recently released by the national statistical office (DZS). 13.08.2018. | News
Walking festival to be held in Lika in SeptThe first edition of a walking festival through the mountainous region of Lika will be organised on 1-2 September between the towns of Gospic and Otocac, and the organisers have boasted that it is the first festival of this kind in Croatia. 12.08.2018. | News
Tourists generate 6% more arrivals and nights in first 7 months of 2018In the first seven months of 2018, 11.1 million tourists visited Croatia, generating 56.3 million nights, up 6% on the year, the National Tourist Board said Monday. 06.08.2018. | News
Number of tourist nights in June 2018 down, up in H1A total of 2.6 million arrivals and 11.9 million nights were generated in commercial accommodation in Croatia in June 2018, which is 4% more arrivals and 1.5% less nights than in the same month in 2017, while in the first six months of 2018, there were 6 million arrivals and 22 million overnights, up 12% and 9% respectively on the year. 05.08.2018. | News
Some Croatian coastal towns see their population grow fivefold in AugustExpected increases in the number of people in the coastal areas of Croatia in August 2018 range from 40 percent in Split-Dalmatia County to 129 percent in Istria County, and some towns are seeing their population grow fivefold, a survey by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) shows. 05.08.2018. | News
​INHERIT - sustainable tourism strategies to conserve and valorise the Mediterranean coastal and maritime natural heritage The INHERIT project has been approved for co-financing within the INTERREG V-B MEDITERRANEAN Programme 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources, Specific Objective 3.1: To enhance sustainable the development policies for more efficient valorisation of natural resources and cultural heritage in coastal and adjacent maritime areas of a sustainable and responsible coastal and maritime tourism in the MED Area. 03.08.2018. | News
​Government increases tourist tax for 2019 by 25%The Croatian government on Thursday decided to introduce, as of 2019, a higher tourist tax in the peek season, raising tourist taxes, paid per person per night, in all accommodation facilities except camping sites by approximately 25%. "Even with the proposed increase, Croatia still has the lowest tourist tax of all its peers," Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli said. Under the government's decision, the tourist tax should go up 25% in all accommodation units except camping sites, from HRK 8 to HRK 10 per person per night.  02.08.2018. | News