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Rovinj voted Croatian Tourist Destination of the YearThe northern Adriatic resort town of Rovinj was declared Tourist Destination of the Year at the closing ceremony of Croatian Tourism Days in the eastern city of Osijek on Friday evening. 05.10.2019. | News
Croatian Tourism Days: No quotas on foreign workers as of next year, lower VAT on catering servicesThere will be no quotas on foreign workers as of next year, and employers will be allowed to "import" as many of them as they need, including those sought by the tourist industry, Labour and Pension System Minister Josip Aladrovic announced at Croatian Tourism Days in the eastern city of Osijek on Friday. 04.10.2019. | News
Chambers of commerce of Rijeka and Vojvodina sign cooperation agreementThe Chamber of Commerce of the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina and the County Chamber of Commerce of the northern Croatian coastal city of Rijeka signed a cooperation agreement in Novi Sad on Friday, Vojvodina television said. 04.10.2019. | News
Croatian Tourism Days opened in VukovarCroatia's five Slavonian counties want to develop tourism, they invest in tourism and other infrastructure and in specific types of services, and they have been recording increases in visits, it was said at an event marking the start of Croatian Tourism Days in the eastern town of Vukovar on Wednesday. 02.10.2019. | News
Five countries submit joint nomination to UNESCO for Mura-Drava-Danube biosphere reservationA five-country nomination for the Mura-Drava-Danube biosphere reservation, also called the European Amazon, has been sent to UNESCO, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said on Monday. 01.10.2019. | News
Hoteliers' operating revenues riseIn the first eight months of 2018, leading Croatian hotel and tourism companies generated 5.4% higher operating revenues on the year and most expect 2-6% more bookings for the post-summer season, Croatian Tourism Association (HUT) director Veljko Ostojic said on Tuesday. 01.10.2019. | News
Rail transport seen as chance for closer economic cooperation between Croatia and SpainEconomic ties between Croatia and Spain have intensified in recent years, and rail transport is one of the sectors offering a chance for closer cooperation, a Croatian-Spanish economic forum was told at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) on Tuesday. 01.10.2019. | News
​Revision of statistics reveals increase in foreign debt, drop in revenues from foreign touristsThe Croatian National Bank (HNB) on Monday presented a revision of statistics on relations with foreign countries, which reveals an increase in gross foreign debt in the period from 2000 to 2018, most of which happened at the end of 2018, in the amount of close to €3.9 billion, and a decrease in the current account balance of payments in all the years since 2002, ranging from €21 million to 974 million. 30.09.2019. | News
Croatia's H1 revenues from foreign tourists up 5%Revenues from foreign tourists reached €2.72 billion in the first half of 2019, which was an increase of €127 million or 5% on the same period in 2018, the Tourism Ministry said on Monday, citing Croatian National Bank (HNB) data. 30.09.2019. | News
Dubrovnik to introduce cruising tax as of 2021Dubrovnik is introducing a charge on foreign cruise ships as of 2021, which will range between HRK 2,000 and 40,000 per vessel, depending on the passenger capacity. 28.09.2019. | News