Croatian Tourist Board launches brochure and film on Marco Polo


A brochure and a film on Marco Polo were launched by the Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) in Korcula on Tuesday as part of events marking the anniversary of the naval battle near the island of Korcula on September 7, 1298, between the strongest naval forces of that time, Venice and Genova, during which Marco Polo was taken prisoner.

Speaking about the film and the brochure, entitled "Croatia - The Homeland of Marco Polo", HTZ director Niko Bulic said they were based on scientific research and would confirm the fact that Marco Polo was a great 13th century seaman and explorer of the Far East, born on Korcula, which made Croatia too his homeland.

The brochure was written in Croatian, English, Chinese and Japanese and the 16-minute film was made in Croatian, English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

