Croatian tourism minister holds talks with Bavarian minister; Croatia expects more tourists from Bavaria and Germany

During a working visit to Germany, Croatian Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin on Thursday met with the Bavarian Economy, Energy, Media and Technology Minister, Ilse Aigner, with whom he discussed investments in the Croatian tourism, EU funds, and other economic topics of relevance to Bavaria and Croatia. Lorencin told Croatian reporters covering the tourism fair in the Bavarian capital of Munich that Aigner offered Bavaria's cooperation and assistance to Croatia in using money from EU funds. The two ministers also discussed the economic situation in Croatia, the situation following Croatia's accession to the EU as well as the situation in Bavaria, which this year expects a rise in its GDP, including in tourism. In terms of their accommodation capacity, turnover and number of visitors, Bavaria and Munich are No. 2 destination in Germany (Berlin being No. 1) and they can help Croatia's tourism with their experience, said Lorencin. Lorencin spoke to the Bavarian minister about investment plans in Croatia's tourism sector, projects for which tenders have already been published and those for which tenders will be published soon, calling on German investors to join in those projects.

During a working visit to Germany, Croatian Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin on Thursday met with the Bavarian Economy, Energy, Media and Technology Minister, Ilse Aigner, with whom he discussed investments in the Croatian tourism, EU funds, and other economic topics of relevance to Bavaria and Croatia.

Lorencin told Croatian reporters covering the tourism fair in the Bavarian capital of Munich that Aigner offered Bavaria's cooperation and assistance to Croatia in using money from EU funds.

The two ministers also discussed the economic situation in Croatia, the situation following Croatia's accession to the EU as well as the situation in Bavaria, which this year expects a rise in its GDP, including in tourism.
In terms of their accommodation capacity, turnover and number of visitors, Bavaria and Munich are No. 2 destination in Germany (Berlin being No. 1) and they can help Croatia's tourism with their experience, said Lorencin.

Lorencin spoke to the Bavarian minister about investment plans in Croatia's tourism sector, projects for which tenders have already been published and those for which tenders will be published soon, calling on German investors to join in those projects.

Lorencin said he would personally be at German investors' disposal so that they could obtain as much information as possible and would discuss the topic soon with officials of the Croatian-German Chamber of Industries in Zagreb.

Croatia is the partner country of this year's tourism fair in Munich which lasts until February 23 and which has brought together around 1,500 exhibitors from some 50 countries. The number of visitors at the fair is expected to exceed last year's figure of some 110,000 people.

As part of this year's travel and recreation fair in Munich, one of Germany's most important travel shows at which Croatia is the partner country, Croatian representatives held a news conference on Thursday to present the country's tourist services to the German media.

The director of the Croatian Tourist Board branch in Germany, Mato Radic, told some 50 German reporters who previously visited Croatia that Bavaria's proximity to Croatia and good transport links were ideal for Bavarian tourists who can enjoy Croatia's natural beauties, cultural heritage and gastronomy.

Of the 17 German airports that have flights to Croatia, ten provide direct flights as of this year, Radic said, stressing that apart from summer vacations, Croatia was ideal for city breaks and short vacations.

The news conference was also attended by Croatian Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin who arrived with German Economy Minister Ilse Eigner.

Lorencin said Germany and Bavaria were Croatia's main markets from which an increase in tourist arrivals was recorded every year.

Tourists from Germany are ranked first when it comes to the number of arrivals and overnights in Croatia -- in 2013 there were 1.9 million tourists from Germany, up 4.3% from 2012. They generated 14.4 million overnights, up 3.5%.

The Munich fair was opened yesterday. Last year featured over 1,500 exhibitors from about 50 countries and attracted 110,000 visitors.

