Croatia reports Q3 current account surplus of EUR 2.85 billion

Croatia's current account surplus in the third quarter of 2013 was EUR 2.85 billion, or 9.1% higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year, while at the same time the surplus of current transactions rose by as many as 75% to EUR 1.13 billion, according to preliminary figures released by the Croatian National Bank (HNB) on Thursday. The central bank said that a current account surplus was usual for a third quarter as a result of a surplus in the services account, mostly due to a rise in tourism eevenue, and a sharp reduction of the deficit in the income account.

Croatia's current account surplus in the third quarter of 2013 was EUR 2.85 billion, or 9.1% higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year, while at the same time the surplus of current transactions rose by as many as 75% to EUR 1.13 billion, according to preliminary figures released by the Croatian National Bank (HNB) on Thursday.
The central bank said that a current account surplus was usual for a third quarter as a result of a surplus in the services account, mostly due to a rise in tourism eevenue, and a sharp reduction of the deficit in the income account.
