Tourism minister says regrets inconvenience for tourists, but thanks Tax Authority for understanding

Tourism Minister Darko Lorencin on Wednesday regretted the inconvenience guests of Hotel Libra in the coastal town of Senj were exposed to earlier today, adding however, that he was satisfied with the fact that the Finance Ministry and the Tax Authority recognised that the case of this private hotel, which was shut down by the Tax Administration and then reopened in the same day, was specific and that they showed understanding.

"I am sorry that during their stay in our country guests were exposed to such an inconvenient situation. However, I would like to express satisfaction with the fact that the Finance Ministry and the Tax Authority recognised that this case was specific and showed understanding and that the hotel ... was reopened," the tourism minister said in a statement.

He added that the Tourism Ministry supported "the activities of the Finance Ministry and the Tax Authority in introducing order in the the payment of tax obligations for all tax payers in Croatia, including those in the tourism sector.

"We, however, believe that in cases when a tourist facility is occupied by guests using its services, one must think about avoiding additional negative consequences for Croatia's tourism," the minister said.

Hotel Libra in Senj was shut down earlier today by inspectors from the Gospic Tax Authority over a HRK 880,000 tax debt, but the decision was revoked later in the day and the hotel was reopened shortly after 1700 hours.

The incident was already condemned by the BUZ pensioners party which said that shutting down the hotel in the peak season was causing damage to Croatia's tourism. (Hina)
