Agreement on regional cooperation in tourism inked

An agreement on cooperation between travel agency associations of countries in the region - Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Croatia -- was signed in Belgrade on Wednesday, the Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA) said.

The basic idea of cooperation between national travel agency associations, UHPA's press release notes, is to work on joint tourism development projects and on agency activities in the region and on the markets of each of the signatory countries.

One of the most important plans for the short term is to set up a model for joint development tourism projects with the aim of accessing third markets throughout Europe and the world and presenting theme travel specific to each country in the region.

One of the main objectives will be to create a common tourism product based on developing sustainable tourism and cross-border cooperation in the region.

Boris Zgomba, president of the ECTAA, the group of national travel agents’ and tour operators’ associations within the EU, said that these joint projects would be funded by EU funding and Croatia as an upcoming member of the EU would be the project applicant through the UHPA.
