Tourism Minister comments on Brijuni Rivijera project

Croatian Tourism Minister Veljko Ostojic said on Thursday there were still many outstanding issues about the Brijuni Rivijera tourism project which needed to be resolved, adding that known investors would come to Croatia only once bureaucratic obstacles were removed. Clearly some obstacles still exist and what Prefect Ivan Jakovcic said yesterday shows that there are still many bureaucratic obstacles to the realisation of investments, in this case the Brijuni Rivijera project, the minister told reporters ahead of the government session. Ostojic stressed this case should be "a trigger" for everyone to sit down and talk about how to resolve bureaucratic obstacles and encourage investments.

Croatian Tourism Minister Veljko Ostojic said on Thursday there were still many outstanding issues about the Brijuni Rivijera tourism project which needed to be resolved, adding that known investors would come to Croatia only once bureaucratic obstacles were removed.

Clearly some obstacles still exist and what Prefect Ivan Jakovcic said yesterday shows that there are still many bureaucratic obstacles to the realisation of investments, in this case the Brijuni Rivijera project, the minister told reporters ahead of the government session.

Ostojic stressed this case should be "a trigger" for everyone to sit down and talk about how to resolve bureaucratic obstacles and encourage investments.

Istria County head Jakovcic on Tuesday expressed his indignation at the decision by the Culture Ministry to declare the Hidrobaza area of Pula a cultural property while tenders are being called for the Brijuni Rivijera project.

"To change the terms of investment at tender stage is unacceptable and irresponsible. A similar thing happened with the Katarina-Monumenti site. A few days after the closure of the tender process, a similar decision was made that fully changed the tender terms," Jakovcic said in a statement issued on Tuesday evening.

"Such behaviour of individuals undermines the reputation of the Republic of Croatia and requires urgent measures and severe sanctions because of their irresponsible behaviour," he added.

Jakovcic called on interested investors not to apply for the tender for the Hidrobaza site in Pula and the Pineta site in nearby Fazana because as head of Istria County he cannot guarantee them legal and investment security "until all dubious relations in the relevant ministries have been cleared up."

Jakovcic held a news conference in Pula today saying that despite different opinions concerning the maritime demesne on the Sv Katarina island - Monumenti, there were no disagreements or problems within the ruling coalition.

The coalition is strong and united, Jakovcic said. (Hina)
