Croatian hoteliers optimistic about upcoming season

Croatian hoteliers are optimistic about the 2012 tourist season, hoping that they will register more nights spent in hotels and other similar establishments and earn higher incomes, according to the latest survey conducted among 109 hotels throughout Croatia by the PoslovniTurizam web portal.

The online survey was carried out between 9 and 20 January.

Hoteliers cited a planned rise in overnight stays and the strengthening of sales and advertisement activities as reasons for their optimism.

Over 78 percent of those polled assessed the previous season as successful.

As many as 51.5 percent believe that this year will bring more stays spent by guests in their establishments, 43 percent expect the same results as last year, and 5.5 percent expect a decline.

As for earnings, 61 percent of respondents expect higher revenues, and 31 percent expect revenues at the same level as last year, with 8 percent of those polled fearing that their financial performance will deteriorate.

As many as 70 percent said their prices would remain unchanged, while 24 percent announced a rise in prices of their services, as against 6.5 percent of those who said that they would lower their prices.

As for the appointment of Veljko Ostojic as new Tourism Minister, as many as 64.4 percent of respondents expressed their satisfaction with his appointment, while the remainder declined to comment. (Hina)
