Dubrovnik at 50th place of chart of most popular European congress cities

Dubrovnik is in the middle of the European city ranking measured by number of international congresses and meetings organised in 2009, according to a table prepared by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).

The most famous Croatian Adriatic resort is at the 50th place in the ranking covering 100 European congress cities. Last year, 19 international congresses and meetings took place in Dubrovnik.

For the fifth year in a row, Vienna is the most popular city with 160 meetings held in the Austrian capital in 2009. Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Amsterdam and Lisbon, and Budapest and Madrid follow.

When it comes to the world ranking of cities measured by number of congresses and meetings organised last year, Dubrovnik is 87th-ranked, the tourist board in that Adriatic resort reported last Wednesday.

Dubrovnik shares that place with Moscow, Bergen and Quebec City.

The country ranking measured by number of congresses and meetings organised in 2009 puts Croatia at the 44th place with 38 world congresses held in 2009. The United States tops the ranking with 595 meetings, and Germany follows with 458 meetings. Spain is third.

The ICCA rankings cover meetings organised by international associations which take place on a regular basis and which rotate between a minimum of three countries, the association said on its web site. (Hina)
