Minister says sustainable tourism right way with no alternative

Tourism and Sports Minister Nikolina Brnjac said in parliament on Thursday, presenting a draft Strategy for the Development of Sustainable Tourism in Croatia until 2030, that sustainable tourism is the right direction of development that has no alternative.

"Today, it is clear to everyone that tourism driven solely by economic interests, tourism that does not take into account care for people and the environment, leads to seasonality, the destruction of natural and cultural resources, and ultimately becomes unsuccessful; and this is the reason why we have directed the development of tourism in Croatia towards sustainability", said the minister. She emphasised that sustainable tourism has no alternative.

To achieve goals and measures from the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy, significant funds have been secured, more than 1.2 billion euros, which is the largest structured investment in Croatian tourism, intended for public tourist infrastructure, but also for entrepreneurs, Brnjac said.

She underscored that the vision is to create sustainable year-round tourism, desirable for investments, work and life that contributes to economic development, while respecting the natural and cultural heritage and unique identity of all regions.

Strategic goals, year-round tourism with a preserved environment, competitiveness and resilience will be achieved by investing in public tourist infrastructure, developing functional units, encouraging the construction of accommodation facilities with a zero carbon footprint, urban planning, waste reduction, she said.

Up to employers to ensure good working conditions and contracts for an indefinite period

In order to secure sufficient labor force, Brnjac underscored the importance of youth scholarships, employment measures and the promotion of occupations, but at the same time she emphasised that employers are critical for attracting labor and that it is up to them to ensure good working conditions and employment contracts for an indefinite period.

After the adoption of the strategy, the minister explained, a National Plan for the Development of Sustainable Tourism will be adopted, which will define concrete measures in greater detail.

