​Istria sees better-than-expected tourism results

County Prefect Boris Miletić on Friday told a press conference that last year's tourism results in Istria were above expectations adding that this county has one of the highest rates of vaccination against coronavirus in Croatia.

In 2021, arrivals of visitors were equivalent to 76% of arrivals in the pre-pandemic record-breaking 2019 and bed nights reached 82% of 2019, and Miletić underscored that these were above-average results.

"Arrivals and bed nights are statistics, financial effects are more important," said Miletić and added that they have high expectations of this tourism year because Istria is recognised as a global brand.

62-4% of Istrians fully vaccinated against COVID-19

He added that 62.4% of the Istrian population is fully vaccinated but that there was still room to improve that.

"In addition to epidemiological measures, the level of vaccination will in future also define the European COVID map," he said.

The head of Istria's tourist board, Denis Ivošević said that it was important that last year Istria achieved historic results from the German market with a result that was almost 9% better than the record 2019 year. German tourists generated 9.5 million of the 23.5 million bed nights in the county. Czechs' bed-nights increased by 7% compared to 2019, and Poles generated a 5% better result.

