Croatian National Tourist Board adopts 2010 work program

The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) Assembly on Tuesday adopted a draft work program for the HTZ in 2010, which is designed to bring about the same turnover and financial results as this year through the application of different marketing tactics both on foreign markets and at home. Tourism Minister and President of the Croatian National Tourist Board Damir Bajs said the two most important goals in tourism next year would be keeping this year's share in the European tourism market of 2.07 percent, and attracting back domestic tourists.

The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) Assembly on Tuesday adopted a draft work program for the HTZ in 2010, which is designed to bring about the same turnover and financial results as this year through the application of different marketing tactics both on foreign markets and at home.

Tourism Minister and President of the Croatian National Tourist Board Damir Bajs said the two most important goals in tourism next year would be keeping this year's share in the European tourism market of 2.07 percent, and attracting back domestic tourists.

The year 2010 will not be any easier than this year, the minister said, underlining the importance of continuing the cooperation between the public and private sectors through different programs of the Tourism Ministry and the HTZ.

Speaking of the most important elements of the HTZ's work program in 2010, which was today also adopted by the HTZ Tourism Council, HTZ Main Office director Niko Bulic said that the program for the first time implemented and followed guidelines from the 2010-2014 strategic marketing plan for the tourism sector.

As of next year, Croatia will put more emphasis on promoting its image as a country of high-value lifestyle, notably the environmental dimension, Bulic said.

This means an intensified promotion of local wines, gastronomy, culture, inland destinations, touring, camping, private accommodation, and boating.

Organized tourist visits will be additionally promoted as well, notably before and after the peak season, as will participation in specialized fairs and the ongoing use of the Internet as a marketing tool.

The HTZ will pay special attention to helping destination management companies, a task to be entrusted to local tourism boards.

The implementation of the 2010 tourism program will cost HRK 278.5 million, one percent more than this year. (Hina)
