Brnjac: We can expect much better tourist season this year

Considering the improving epidemiological situation and level of preparedness, Croatia can expect a much better tourist season this year, Tourism and Sport Minister Nikolina Brnjac said in Brussels on Tuesday. Brnjac was in Brussels to attend a meeting of EU ministers in charge of sport.

She recalled that the "Stay Safe in Croatia" project had been launched at the end of last year, that epidemiological standards have been developed and that tourism workers have been educated about the importance of compliance with the epidemiological restrictions to send the message that Croatia is a safe country for tourists.

She added that the vaccination of tourism workers against COVID-19 has begun and that testing sites have been designated for foreign tourists to facilitate their return home.

"According to parameters, we can expect a much better season than last year. We can see that the number of new cases is decreasing and we should ensure that it continues decreasing," Brnjac said.


