Council calls on gov't to continue jobkeeping support in tourism sector

The Social Council for Tourism supports the government's measures designed to alleviate the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the business sector, but notes that for jobs in the tourism sector to be saved, it is necessary for the measures to continue, the Croatian Employers Association (HUP) Tourism Sector said on Friday.

The Council calls on the government to urgently prolong, as of June, by another three months job-keeping aid in sectors hit worst by the coronavirus crisis.

The Council proposes that the aid, amounting to HRK 4,000 per employee, be granted to businesses which have suffered a minimum 50% decline in revenue from the previous year.

"Continuing the payment of job-keeping allowances is the key measure to protect jobs and employment until the start of the next tourist season," said sector director Natali Komen Bujas.

The Council also calls for adopting as soon as possible a decision that would enable a moratorium on or deferral of contractual obligations which businesses in the tourism sector are unable to honour due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

It also calls for reducing the current six-month period during which tourism employers have the obligation to hire seasonal workers, noting that this year's tourist season will be much shorter than usual. (Hina/FaH)
