Chamber and hospitality and tourism guild call on members to act responsibly

The Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts' hospitality guild on Friday called on its members to strictly adhere to the prescribed measures in the fight against the coronarvirus epidemic thus setting an example of responsible behaviour in the current extremely difficult times for all Croatian citizens.

The guild said in a press release that it was unpleasantly surprised by news of irresponsible behaviour by some caterers in Split-Dalmatia, Sibenik-Knin and Zadar counties that Health Minister Vili Beros pointed out on Thursday.

Addressing a regular press conference on Thursday, Minister Beros told reporters that he was unhappy about the news he had received from his "colleagues and friends from Zadar, Split and Sibenik," that young people were continuing to gather in cafes behind masked windows, where they were drinking and entertaining themselves.

"Even though there is no official confirmation by the relevant police force related to violation of the measure banning the work of catering facilities and gatherings, we consider it to be necessary to most sharply condemn any possible individual act of irresponsible behaviour by fellow caterers who with such behaviour bring themselves and citizens into danger," the press release said.

The hospitality guild also called on all operators in the hospitality sector to strictly adhere to all the prescribed measures in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, as they have until now, and to set an example of responsible behaviour in the current exceptionally difficult times for all Croatian citizens.

Together with HOK as its umbrella association, the HOK hospitality and tourism guild, which has more than 14,000 members, is investing a lot of effort to help its members and their employees in the current complex times as well as to find models of recovery in the period after the epidemic, the guild said. (Hina/FaH)
