Free guided tours of 45 Croatian cities on Sunday

The Croatian Tourist Guides Association and its members are organising free guided tours of 45 cities across Croatia on Sunday 12 January to commemorate the international recognition of Croatia, inviting citizens to find out something new about the places where they live.

In their announcement, the Croatian and the Zagreb Tourist Guides Association recall that Croatia was internationally recognised on 15 January 1992, and to mark the occasion they are organising, for the third time in a row, free guided tours in Croatian, German and English.

All tours, including those of Zagreb, will take about an hour and a half.

The head of the Croatian Tourist Guides Association, Kristina Nuic Prka, has told Hina they expect a great turnout in all the cities.

"Sometimes tours can take longer because, as was the case in the first two years of the project, there is a lot of interest. In Osijek, for example, about 200 people showed up the first year, much to the surprise of the guides, and the trend continued the following year both in Osijek and in other cities," says Nuic Prka.

In big cities, such as Split and Zagreb, ten to 15 guides participate in the event leading smaller groups of citizens. They have a great time and discover many new things about the cities they have lived in for years or even their whole lives.

"That is precisely our goal, to familiarise citizens, and not only tourists, with everything that is known and unknown about the cities and Croatia. This year we have an even stronger goal to show everyone, during the Croatian presidency of the Council of the European Union, that Croatia, although a small country, has an extremely rich historical and cultural heritage," says Nuic Prka.

Founded in 2005, the Croatian Tourist Guides Association includes around 15 local tourist guides associations from all regions of Croatia.

